--PL/SQL Developer
Plug-Ins |
is a Plug-Ins for PL/SQL Developer.
It include IDE extends functions
and special tools for developers.
The page
was in building......
If you have any question, please
contact me. |
download free ver0.60(Beta)
download free ver0.60(Beta 64Bit)
- The
knowledge base.,Allows you to easily store and retrieve
frequently used code. ...
- ...
- ...
Version update |
- Add windows 64Bit dll for
plsql dev 64bit
- Fixed bugs.
- Add function
"Field<->Values position" which can position table column
name and its value in SQL like follow statement
- "Insert into ta(f1,f2,f3)
- "Insert into ta(f1,f2,f3)
select 'a1','a2,3 from dual"
- "update ta set (f1,f2,f3) =
(select 1,2,3 from dual)"
- "select f1, f2, f3 into v1,
v2, v3 from ta".....
- Fix bug:"Layout page" can
not add items
- Fix bug:SQLBook store large
text script with unexpect code in tail.
- Add function "Generate
FusionChart" and "tns_lang list set"
- Add function "Generate
- Add function "Data Explorer"
Help Contents |
WindowsList Options
In the page [WindowsList Options], there is seven
types can be colorized. Select one type, and define its
font from right options.
You can define font style(bold or italic) and font
color. Double click panel, it will popup color dialog to
Default button will set font to main font of pl/sql
Advance button will call font dialog to set font
Editor Settings
HighLight Background
Color: You can set Highlight color by double click
"Double Click" region.
Enabled "if then...end
if" checkbox: If the checkbox in checked status,
then after you input "then" in "if ... then" statement,
Editor will auto append "end if;" on the next line left
align with "if". This is almost same like "autoreplace"
of pl/sql developer but follow diffrent.
1. Start replace after "if"
or "then". 2.
Append "end if;" left align with "if" or "then".
Close all windows with
Confirm:If you feel anoyned with "do you want save"
dialog when you close pl/sql developer program, you can
use sailora function "Close all fast" to close the
program. But if you want to know if it has things need
to save or not, check the box will show you a dialog
once to confirm if it need to save. |
Save Current
If you want to save current
SQL or scripts of Editor, you can use this function.
The selected scripts will
auto paste into the "Save Input" dialog. if there is no
selected, then all scripts in editor will paste into the
Defaultly, It will save
into "Temp" file, If you select oracle tips, then the
content will save into oracle tips file. |
All SQL in opened windows
This function will auto
save all opened window scripts into Temp file. The
inputbox need input the title to identify this save. and
the content will display in the page title when you want
to get out the save(See follow Tabpage with
Defaultly, the date will
auto fill the editor, you can change it to any you want.
out SQL from saved...
You can get out the
saved use this function. Tips will in the first page and
Temp in the second page. These two page was fixed.
If you have saved use
"Save all SQL" function, it will in the third page or
You can edit the saved
contents and then save it use the "Save" button.
"Get out" button will
get out content in editor and paste it into the Current
Editor of PL/SQL developer.
"Get out in new window"
button like "Get out" button but will new a SQL window
and paste the content.
"Exit" button just close
the dialog.
You can right click the
list item in left and it will popup menu let you "Add
new item" or "Delete item" or "Clear all item"
defined functions
This function will popup
the functions list which you created.
You can right click the
list to popup the menu and select what to do, Add, Edit,
Delete function.
The function script is
PL/SQL script, a block statement of oracle, like follow:
-- Created on 2014-05-15 by Sailora
-- aaaaa/*bbbbb*/ccccc =>/*aaaaa*/bbbbb/*ccccc*/
-- Local variables here
s varchar2(2000);
inum integer;
s := :INSTR;
s := Replace(s, '/*', '*-/');
s := Replace(s, '*/', '/*');
s := Replace(s, '*-/', '*/');
inum := length(s)-length(lTrim(s));
s := Lpad(' ',inum,' ')||'/*'||lTrim(s);
inum := length(s)-length(rTrim(s));
s := rTrim(s)||'*/'||Lpad(' ',inum,' ');
s := Replace(s, '/**/', '');
:OUTSTR:= s;
A demo to revert
comments: aaaaa/*bbbbb*/ccccc
You can edit the function in test window to make sure it
is OK and then save it into sailora.
The function has two
parameters :instr and :outstr, :instr is
the string what you selected in the editor, and the :outstr
is the result string what will paste into editor. |
list color...
This function will call
the dialog to change the font in windowslist of current
window. But the change is temprory and is only affect
the window.
cells in grid
The function is a fast
way to make the selected value into in list sql and
paste into your current editor.
selected in Editor
To use this function,
you must select one word first, then call this function
will highlight all the word in editor. to cancel the
highlight, select none and call the function again.
You can use this
function when you call search. The search color and this
highlight will also run, you can use this to compare
something with clearly tagged.
select and run
If there is many SQL
statement in SQL window, You can call this function to
auto select current SQL statement and run it, without
set autoselect option of PL/SQL Developer.
You can call system
execute to run all or call this function to run one.
current selected in Editor
To call these function,
you must select one word in Editor, it will auto fill
the word into system search box and call search command.
Like you input the word
in Search box and click the search button.
all fast with no ask
This function will close
PL/SQL Developer program without save confirm.
If you open many many
windows and don't want to save them, Call this function
will close the program immediate without any save
confirm dialog display.
But if you checked the
option of sailora, it will display one confirm message
I don't know what reason
make the system "browse" so slowly to locate one object
in the browse tree, but use this function will do same
thing much fast.
DataExplore is fast mode
to view table or view. Click button "Data Explore" to
open data explore window, then select table or view from
object browse left, the explore window will auto query
the data and display the table propeties.
Generate FusionChart
Select SQL window with
result data, this function will generate FusionChart
with wizarder director.
When we view SQL scripts
with "insert into values" which has much columns and
values, It is difficult to see which column
corresponding which value. This function can help you to
position them eachother.
For example, you want to
know the value belongs which column, you can position
the cursor in the value, then click this function
button, then the tool will postion the column name and
select it. And it is work to position value from column